Sunday, February 27, 2005

Star "Jones" to be Joan

I don't think I like Star Jones pimping for Payless while taking over for Joan Rivers and her spawn on E!'s red carpet pre-show. Joan and her daughter are now relegated to half-a-screen on TV Guide Channel.

Joan is a bitch (and now a bitch with a Web site featuring classy bulimia jokes like this: "This is "National Eating Disorders Awareness Week," so if you're going to binge remember to purge.") but I have to admit it was fun to watch celebrities scurry away from her, tails between their ballgowned- or tuxedoed-legs.

Star, on the other hand, has just made the claim: "I'm gonna get Leonardo DiCaprio." Sorry, Star. Losing all that pre-wedding weight means you can't just tackle him between your cleavage.

And what's with her calling Kathy Griffith E!'s "special correspondent?" Is she just finally confirming what we've already long suspected: That Kathy's limo service is something more like a short bus?


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