Sunday, February 27, 2005

Star "Jones" to be Joan

I don't think I like Star Jones pimping for Payless while taking over for Joan Rivers and her spawn on E!'s red carpet pre-show. Joan and her daughter are now relegated to half-a-screen on TV Guide Channel.

Joan is a bitch (and now a bitch with a Web site featuring classy bulimia jokes like this: "This is "National Eating Disorders Awareness Week," so if you're going to binge remember to purge.") but I have to admit it was fun to watch celebrities scurry away from her, tails between their ballgowned- or tuxedoed-legs.

Star, on the other hand, has just made the claim: "I'm gonna get Leonardo DiCaprio." Sorry, Star. Losing all that pre-wedding weight means you can't just tackle him between your cleavage.

And what's with her calling Kathy Griffith E!'s "special correspondent?" Is she just finally confirming what we've already long suspected: That Kathy's limo service is something more like a short bus?

I plan to watch parts of the Oscars on TV and all I got was (a lousy envy spasm toward) this goodie bag...

Yes, the clock is ticking down to the official launch of Girlz on Film. However, to sate your anticipatory interest, I'm linking here to Girl Hacker's list of the contents of the 2005 Academy Awards Goodie Bags. You know, do Uma, Nicole et. al. really need another surf butler? Celebs must be overrun with clutter, given that they rack up swag like this pretty much every time they step a pedicured foot out of their extravagent homes.

So, what do the peeps behind Oscar propose giving sarcastic, semi-infrequent girl movie bloggers? Just a note: Um, if you want to send me $500 cashmere PJ bottoms, can you maybe include a gift receipt?

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Coming Soon to a Blog Near You

I've reserved this site as the future repository of Girlz on Film, which will soon be the place for all things film, TV and otherwise that have the fortune of being tied to someone with two X chromosomes: Me.

No, really, while I'll certainly use this space to wax nostalgic on Molly Ringwald, I hope to compile articles, interviews and advice on the film and television industries but -- given my own background as a girl -- it'll have a decidedly feminine imprint. (Therefore meaning I might ignore the release of new Vin Diesel movies, if I so choose.) You can also check here for original content and interviews on women working in the film and television industries as well as others with peripheral ties to or just incredible amounts of love for the entertainment industry (which gives me quite a bit of freedom). A few Q & A's are being lined up and I plan to stockpile a few more before debuting the first one.

Keep checking this spot, as I've not yet determined an official launch date.

If you don't feel like checking back, I will also post news of the launch on my other blog, imp_perfect, a completely random and often outdated compendium of my snarky take on the news of the day and other stuff.